Sunday, May 25, 2014

Abbott’s Broken Promise to Australia’s First People

By Laura Burns

TONY Abbott this week announced a $534.5 million cut to Indigenous Programs, breaking his promise to Australia’s First People.
            As part of the 2014-15 budget, the cuts include $160m taken from Indigenous health programs; almost ten million dollars from Indigenous language support, and Indigenous programs nationwide cut from 150 to just five from July 1.
            The National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples will also cease to exist from July 1, saving the Federal Government $15m.
            Shadow Minister for Indigenous Affairs Shayne Neumann says the cut in the budget will widen the Gap, sending Australia backwards.
            “[You] can’t cut your way to Closing the Gap in Indigenous disadvantage, ” Mr Neumann said.
            Tony Abbott himself was quoted in October of last year, stating the Aboriginal people would be in the heart of the new Government, should he be elected Prime Minister.
            The ‘new’ Government was elected, yet his promise to the people has been broken in less than twelve months.
            Mr Neumann believes the cuts could see the closure of up to 38 Children and Family Centres across Australia leaving young Indigenous Australians without early education from 30 June 2014.
            Indigenous Male Health Officer Dameyon Bonson says the Federal Government doesn’t know enough about the Indigenous community to be making such big decisions regarding budget cuts.
            “Indigenous people have suffered when there was money and will continue to suffer when it is taken away unless Indigenous people are in control of the program initiation, creation, development and implementation,” Mr Bonson said.

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