Education is on the rise with statistics showing a 31.4 per cent increase in
graduates between 2006 and 2010 at Griffith University.
Statistics provided on the Griffith
University website reveal that the number of students successfully completing
their chosen degree increased from 8,286 to 10,888 within four years.
It is believed that the growth is
due to an increase in student support and the new student retention program
implemented in 2012.
Griffith University School Engagement
Manager Jess Coleman said that Griffith had introduced Student Success Advisors
and First Year Advisors to assist students to cope with their first year
university jitters.
“The freak out or what they call the
freshman myth in America, in that what students expect university to be like
and what it actually is like, there’s a big gap.” Ms Coleman said. “That’s why
at Griffith we’re starting to introduce people like Student Success Advisors
and First Year Advisors,”
all about the first semester and making sure that students know where to go to
get help and they don’t just think that they’re on their own.”
The Griffith University student retention
program has recently been reviewed and redeveloped. It now encompasses
curriculum development, assessment planning, student support activities and
modelling and communication outreach for students.
Student Success Director Michelle Wear
said that the students at highest risk of not being retained tended to come
from a English as a second language background, students who received a low OP
or rank or had listed the program low in their preferences.
“Once they get here the risks are around
low attendance at orientation, not attending tutorials, not accessing materials
online, not handing in their first piece of assessment or failing their first
piece of assessment.” Ms Wear said.
“So what Griffith has put in place is a
program which tracks those risk markers and gives us a cut of students when
they’re first commencing to say ‘right, these ones are at highest risk’,”
University has implemented a new student retention strategy for 2012-2015 to
continue increasing the number of successful graduates.
- Griffith University 2005, Succeeding
@ Griffith: A new approach to enhancing the First Year Experience at Griffith, viewed
7 September 2012, < http://www.griffith.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/419513/succeeding-at-griffith.pdf>
- Griffith University 2006, Completions
2006, viewed 7 September 2012, < http://www.griffith.edu.au/planning-support/business-intelligence/statistics-in-brief/completions-2006>
Position: Schools Engagement Manager – Business
Email Address: j.coleman@griffith.edu.au
Phone Number: (07) 5552 8338
Griffith Location: Business 2 (G27) 2.12A, Gold Coast Campus
Position: Student Success Director
Email Address: m.wear@griffith.edu.au
Phone Number: (07) 3735 3961
Griffith Location: Willett Centre
(N53) 1.85, Nathan Campus
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